try to append the time (something unique from the last) on the URL

so if you had:

<img id="somethin" src="user1.jpg" />

then setting the src to something like

$("#somethin").attr("src", "user1.jpg?x=" + new Date());

should do the trick

On Jan 7, 9:41 am, Thomas <> wrote:
> Hi folks!
> I have a simple profile image upload script. The problem is that I
> can't change the actual image with jQuery, because is cahed ( i
> suppose ).
> Only one picture allowed per users so I renamed their files to
> user1.jpg, user2.jpg, etc.
> I tried to use $('#somethin').attr("src", "userN.jpg"); but it has no
> effect, because it was the same src before so the picture wont change.
> How could I make it reload these pictures correctly ?

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