I'm trying to find an autocomplete/potentially combobox plugin that
does everything we're looking for so I don't have to roll our own. So
far the Jörn's is working the best but I can't seem to make it do
exactly what I want. Here's the behavior I desire, perhaps there are
some options I'm missing or another plugin that would be better

* When the input box has the focus, I want it to display the choices
* I want all choices to be displayed regardless of what is typed in
the box.
* It should highlight (and maybe autocomplete) the best match while
* I should be able to name the input (some plugins use hidden inputs
w/ their own naming)

I think that's about it. I can't seem to get Jörn's plugin to do the
first two, it always pares choices and I have to click or tab to it
twice in order to show the dropdown.

Any advice welcome.



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