I'm currently using the SVN Trunk version of jQuery and jQuery UI and the
sortables, which use drag and drop, are working for me. If you are willing
to live on the edge, which I'm guessing you are since you are trying to use
preview releases, you might want to try trunk to see if that fixes your
Brandon Aaron

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Richard D. Worth <rdwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure you'll have success (yet) combining a (preview) released
> version of jQuery UI 1.6 with a (preview) released version of jQuery 1.3.
> Here's a summary
> jQuery UI 1.5.3 will only work with jQuery 1.2.6 (not 1.3)
> jQuery UI 1.6 final will only work with jQuery 1.3 final (not 1.2.6)
> The problem is jQuery UI 1.6rc4 works only with 1.2.6. So we're in kind of
> an in-between state. From now until that release is final, we're working on
> switching over and testing against 1.3pre. That work is in jQuery UI trunk,
> but not 1.6rc4. The plan is to release 1.6rc5 the day after 1.3 final is
> released. It will be tested against and ship with 1.3. We'll have one week
> of testing, then finalize jQuery UI 1.6.
> If you're interested, you're more than welcome to help us test the interim
> scenario I've described above. It would mean checking out the jQuey UI
> trunk. But should be simple otherwise as that contains the version of jQuery
> 1.3pre we're testing against (r6065, a little later than 1.3b2 - r6056).
> - Richard
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Joshua Uziel <u...@ck12.org> wrote:
>> Through the wonders of jQuery 1.2.6, jQuery UI 1.6rc2/4 and LiveQuery, I
>> am able to make divs that are generated after the page load be draggable via
>> something like so:
>>         $(".results_container").livequery(function() {
>>             $(this).draggable({
>>                 helper: 'clone',
>>                 cursor: 'move',
>>                 revert: 'invalid',
>>                 start: function(ev, ui) {
>>                     var title = $.trim(
>> $(this).children("div.results_title").text() );
>>                     $(ui.helper).addClass("my_dragged").html(draggedObj)
>>                         .data("title", title);
>>                 }
>>             });
>>         });
>> Now I'm trying to convert to jQuery 1.3b2 and haven't yet had any luck.
>> My first step was to simply replace 1.2.6 with 1.3b2 and continue using
>> LiveQuery.  It feels like the events get registered, but when I drag, it
>> seems as though the start function isn't being called (which is confirmed by
>> setting Firebug breakpoints within the function that aren't triggered).
>> I'd of course prefer to use the new $.live functionality, but can't figure
>> out how.  There are other events in my code that I register as:
>>   $(".foo").livequery("click", function() { ...
>> that I can convert to
>>   $(".foo").live("click", function() { ...
>> and they work both ways with 1.2.6 and 1.3b2.  It's just that
>>   $(".foo").livequery(function() { $(this).draggable({ ...
>> that I can't seem to get working either way (LiveQuery or $.live).
>> Besides the helper not being generated, the drop event isn't caught either,
>> so the whole drag & drop is broken.
>> Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks!

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