I bet this will only confuse you, but this is the way I'd do the popup

    <ul id="menu">
        <li class="one"><a href="#web"></a></li>
        <li class="two alt"><a href="#content"></a></li>
        <li class="three"><a href="#pc"></a></li>
        <li class="four alt"><a href="#blog"></a></li>
        <li class="five"><a href="#me"></a></li>
        <li class="six alt"><a href="#contact"></a></li>

<div id="popBoxes">
    <div class="popBox web">
    <div class="popBox content">
    <div class="popBox pc">


   $('.menu li').click(function(){
       var n = $(this).attr('href').substring(1); // web, content, pc,
       $('#popBoxes').children('.'+n).fadeIn(500) // show the one you
          .siblings().hide() // hide the others
       $("#menuTop li a").fadeIn("500");

This single function would work for all menu items, and it's
unnecessary to save the popup state.

On Jan 8, 1:08 pm, Eric Garside <gars...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, the first step here is to be smart about how you write your
> html, and manage your hide/show. Use HTML to group your elements
> together, so you only ever need to hide a single element, and use the
> ref tag on your anchor (<a>) tags to store a code-readable value of
> the popup you want to fire.
> <div id="popBoxes">
>     <div class="popBox">
>         ...
>     </div>
>     <div class="popBox">
>         ...
>     </div>
>     <div class="popBox">
>         ...
>     </div>
> </div>
> <a class="launchpop" ref="1">Click to launch pop box 1</a>
> <a class="launchpop" ref="2">Click to launch pop box 2</a>
> Doing it this way will save you a BUNCH of headaches later, as we'll
> see coming up. Second, be smart about what your code is actually
> doing. From first glance, it looks to me that you're never going to
> have a situation where more than one popup box is open at a time. If
> I'm correct in my assumption, then this should be super helpful for
> you:
> var frame = {};
> function hidePopup(){
>      frame.last.hide();
>      frame.menu.customFadeIn('fast');
> }
> function showPopup(label){
>     if ( frame.last)
>         frame.last.hide();
>     frame.last = frame.popup.eq(label);
>     frame.last.customFadeIn('fast');
>     frame.top.customFadeIn("fast");
> }
> jQuery(document).ready(function(){
>     frame.menu = jQuery('#menu');
>     frame.top = jQuery('#menuTop li a');
>     frame.popup = jQuery('#popBoxes').children();
>     jQuery('launchpop').click(function(){
>         showPopup(jQuery(this).attr('ref'))
>         return false;
>     });
> });
> Now, I've introduced a new thing here, the "frame" object. In code
> where I'm going to be reusing a bunch of references, I keep references
> to them in a frame object, so I don't make jQuery go through the
> document and find them again. It also really helps to trim up the
> code, as you can see there. In the doc.ready function we do the
> assignments that make the whole thing work.
> That code should easily replace all the code you had before, and
> should work even more effectively. A couple points to understand about
> the code there:
> 1. Storing references is always faster than doing the lookups again.
> 2. If you hide/show a container element, you don't have to hide/show
> all of it's children. It's actually a bunch of extra work/code with no
> purpose. Even if you told jQuery to show '#popBoxContent1', if
> '#popBox1' was still hidden, the content wouldn't show up anywhere.
> 3. I assume you're also using another javascript framework that uses
> the "$" function? If your not, you can easily replace all the 'jQuery
> (...)' calls with '$(...)', which is nice, since  the smaller your JS
> files, the faster they get to your users (size matters a lot in JS).
> Also, if you aren't using another framework, you can replace this
> entire line: 'jQuery(document).ready(function(){' with '$(function(){'
> 4. Make use of attribute tags and classes to do your work for you.
> Putting ref="1" on the <a> tag is one way to really help. If you know
> you're going to be repeating patterns of code, try to find the
> simplest way to do it. One thing you should practice to really help
> yourself in programming javascript is being super lazy. The lazier you
> are, the better your code will work. Frequently ask the question "What
> can I do to make this really easy for me to do?".
> That's all I got for now. If you've got questions on any of the code
> or ideas I dropped in here, let me know. :)
> On Jan 8, 7:29 am, the_guv <the_...@guvnr.com> wrote:
> > well, a big tx to MorningZ...I have - _or rather MorningZ has_ - managed
> > to strip a bunch of extraneous code, but I don't see how I can shorten
> > the final function calls.
> > what I have now is ...
> > var Status = {};
> > Status[1] = 0;
> > Status[2] = 0;
> > Status[3] = 0;
> > Status[4] = 0;
> > Status[5] = 0;
> > Status[6] = 0;
> > function loadPopup(label) {
> >    if (Status[label] == 0) {
> >           jQuery("#menu").hide();
> >           jQuery("#popBox,#popBox" + label +
> >                 ",#popBoxStrap" + label +
> >                 ",#popBoxContent" + label).customFadeIn("fast");
> >           jQuery("#menuTop li a").customFadeIn("fast");
> >           Status[label] = 1;
> >     }
> > }
> > function disablePopup(label) {
> >    if (Status[label] == 1) {
> >           jQuery("#popBox,#popBox" + label +
> >                 ",#popBoxStrap" + label +
> >                 ",#popBoxContent" + label).hide();
> >           jQuery("#menu").customFadeIn("fast");
> >           Status[label] = 0;
> >     }
> > }
> > jQuery(document).ready(function(){
> > jQuery("#popBox,#popBox1,#popBox2,#popBox3,#popBox4,#popBox5,#popBox6,#menu 
> > Top
> > li a").hide();
> > jQuery(".one").click(function(){
> > disablePopup(2);
> > disablePopup(3);
> > disablePopup(4);
> > disablePopup(5);
> > disablePopup(6);
> > loadPopup(1);
> > return false;
> > });
> > jQuery(".two").click(function(){
> > disablePopup(1);
> > disablePopup(3);
> > disablePopup(4);
> > disablePopup(5);
> > disablePopup(6);
> > loadPopup(2);
> > return false;
> > });
> > (there are a further 4 of these last 2 functions... .three, .four,
> > .five, .six)
> > ...
> > it is working a treat, but to compress my code for these final commands,
> > MorningZ suggests something like...
> > function menuClick(label) {
> >       $.each(Status, function(key, val) {
> >             if (key == label) {
> >                       loadPopup(label);
> >             }
> >             else {
> >                       disablePopup(label);
> >             }
> >       });
> > }
> > ... but I can't get that to work.
> > I have tried adding a new class to the menu items, and changing the $
> > to jQuery as I'm using the noconflict rule, but this keeps breaking.
> > If anyone can educate me I'd be grateful.
> > This is otherwise working atwww.guvnr.com.
> > Many thanks,
> > Olly.
> > MorningZ wrote:
> > > I don't think you'll see many people go through all that code and
> > > rewrite it for you, but i will provide some tips to make things easier
> > > 1) Be consistant in your naming....  for instance
> > > - You have "popBox1  2  3 ... etc"... yet your "status" names are "One
> > > Two Three  etc"....  why no be consisant and use numbers there?
> > > 2) Use an object to track your "status"
> > > - instead of
> > > var popupOneStatus = 0;
> > > var popupTwoStatus = 0;
> > > var popupThreeStatus = 0;
> > > var popupFourStatus = 0;
> > > var popupFiveStatus = 0;
> > > var popupSixStatus = 0;
> > > something like
> > > var Status = {};
> > > Status[1] = 0;
> > > Status[2] = 0;
> > > Status[3] = 0;
> > > Status[4] = 0;
> > > Status[5] = 0;
> > > Status[6] = 0;
> > > is MUCH easier to access, later down the road (keeping in mind point
> > > #1)
> > > 3) With that done, you can stop repeating code, this would replace all
> > > "Popup" functions
> > > function loadPopup(label) {
> > >    if (Status[label] == 0) {
> > >           jQuery("#menu").hide();
> > >           jQuery("#popBox,#popBox" + label +
> > >                 ",#popBoxStrap" + label +
> > >                 ",#popBoxContent" + label).fadeIn("500");
> > >           jQuery("#menuTop li a").fadeIn("500");
> > >           Status[label] = 1;
> > >     }
> > > }
> > > function disablePopup(label) {
> > >    if (Status[label] == 1) {
> > >           jQuery("#popBox,#popBox" + label +
> > >                 ",#popBoxStrap" + label +
> > >                 ",#popBoxContent" + label).hide("500");
> > >           jQuery("#menu").fadeIn("500");
> > >           Status[label] = 0;
> > >     }
> > > }
> > > now a quick function that takes in what popup you want loaded (i don't
> > > have the time to show the HTML, but maybe this will get the gears
> > > turning)
> > > function menuClick(label) {
> > >       $.each(Status, function(key, val) {
> > >             if (key == label) {
> > >                       loadPopup(label);
> > >             }
> > >             else {
> > >                       disablePopup(label);
> > >             }
> > >       });
> > > }
> > > On Jan 7, 3:38 am, the_guv <the_...@guvnr.com> wrote:
> > >> I'm using a lot of jQuery for my new site, and wonder ...
> > >> How can I better compress my code, which seems very long.
> > >> If any kind souls could tip me off with some pointers, I'd be much,
> > >> much, very much obliged.
> > >> Olly
> > >> the_guv
> > >> guvnr.com
> > >> The site ishttp://guvnr.com
> > >> My jQ is (hopefully fairly self-explanatory) ... (html follows) ...
> > >> jQuery.noConflict();
> > >> // *** POPUPS/SERVICE PANELS ***    (this largest section of code
> > >> controls my tab panels for the sections titled Web, Content, PC, Blog,
> > >> Me and Content...)
> > >> var popupOneStatus = 0;
> > >> var popupTwoStatus = 0;
> > >> var popupThreeStatus = 0;
> > >> var popupFourStatus = 0;
> > >> var popupFiveStatus = 0;
> > >> var popupSixStatus = 0;
> > >> //LOAD POPUP
> > >> function loadPopupOne(){
> > >> if(popupOneStatus==0){
> > >> jQuery("#menu").hide();
> > >> jQuery("#popBox,#popBox1,#popBoxStrap1,#popBoxContent1").fadeIn
> > >> ("500");
> > >> jQuery("#menuTop li a").fadeIn("500");
> > >> popupOneStatus = 1;}}
> > >> function loadPopupTwo(){
> > >> if(popupTwoStatus==0){
> > >> jQuery("#menu").hide();
> > >> jQuery("#popBox,#popBox2,#popBoxStrap2,#popBoxContent2").fadeIn
> > >> ("500");
> > >> jQuery("#menuTop li a").fadeIn("500");
> > >> popupTwoStatus = 1;}}
> > >> function loadPopupThree(){
> > >> if(popupThreeStatus==0){
> > >> jQuery("#menu").hide();
> > >> jQuery("#popBox,#popBox3,#popBoxStrap3,#popBoxContent3").fadeIn
> > >> ("500");
> > >> jQuery("#menuTop li a").fadeIn("500");
> > >> popupThreeStatus = 1;}}
> > >> function loadPopupFour(){
> > >> if(popupFourStatus==0){
> > >> jQuery("#menu").hide();
> ...
> read more »

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