Sorry, I did misunderstand. I thought your intent was to create a
custom event. As for the hooking of functions, it seems like a bad
idea, in general. Everytime you go to remove an attribute now, jQuery
has to step through some additional code which it really shouldn't.

Why not just do something like:


On Jan 9, 4:38 pm, kape <> wrote:
> I'm not sure I understand your approach, however, it seems like
> getting it to work would mean calling $('#elem').enable and $
> ('#elem').disable, which are not $('#elem').removeAttr('disable'), $
> ('#elem').attr('disabled', ''), or $('#elem').attr('disabled', '') so
> your approach is not transparent.
> I can improve on my earlyer post as follows:
>         var superRemoveAttr = $.fn.removeAttr;
>         $.fn.removeAttr = function(name) {
>           if(name == 'disabled') {
>             this.each(function() {
>               return $(this).hasClass('buttonDisabled');
>             }).removeClass('buttonDisabled');
>           }
> , name);
>         };
> But again, I think there should be a better way without overwriting
> the jQuery functions.
> On Jan 9, 2:44 pm, Eric Garside <> wrote:
> > $.fn.enable = function(callback){
> >     return this.each(function(){
> >         if (callback) return $(this).data('enableCB', callback);
> >         if (typeof $(this).data('enableCB') == 'function') $(this).data
> > ('enableCB')();
> >      });
> > }
> > $.fn.disable = function(callback){
> >     return this.each(function(){
> >         if (callback) return $(this).data('disableCB', callback);
> >         if (typeof $(this).data('disableCB') == 'function') $
> > (this).data('disableCB')();
> >      });
> > }
> > These functions aren't tested, but I'm pretty sure they will give you
> > what you want (simulating the event structure in jQuery).
> > If you call $('#elem').enable(function(){ /* Do something */ }); it
> > will set the event handler.
> > If you then call $('#elem').enable(), it will trigger the callback, if
> > one exists.
> > That help at all?
> > On Jan 9, 2:30 pm, kape <> wrote:
> > > I have created custom styled buttons in my page and would like to
> > > toggle their class and therefore their look when they get disabled or
> > > enabled.  So is there any way to call a function when .removeAttr
> > > ('disabled'), .attr('disabled', ''), and .attr('disabled', 'disabled')
> > > are invoked?  Basically, is there any way to have enable/disable act
> > > like an event such as click, mouseover, etc.?
> > > I've tried overwriting the jQuery function as follows:
> > >         jQuery.fn.removeAttr = function(name) {
> > >           if(this.eq(0).hasClass('buttonDisabled') && name ==
> > > 'disabled')
> > >             this.eq(0).removeClass('buttonDisabled');
> > >           jQuery.attr(this.get(0), name, "" );
> > >           if (this.get(0).nodeType == 1)
> > >             this.get(0).removeAttribute(name);
> > >         };
> > > and when $('.buttonDisabled').removeAttr('disabled') is called, the
> > > disabled attribute and buttonDisabled class are removed.  This is what
> > > I want, but it doesn't seem right.  I shouldn't be overwriting the
> > > removeAttr function.  Also, I'd have to do the same thing for jQuery's
> > > attr() function to add the buttonDisabled class when .attr('disabled',
> > > 'disabled') is called.  Can I add the code I need to the functions and
> > > then call "super" somehow?  Is there a simpler way to achieve what I
> > > want?

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