hello I ve been working on this issues for a month now.. so the issue
is that the resize event is just locking up... and will not work if
the page loads to fast... I have to slow the script down so it doesn't
bind up is seems... here it is...

        $(window).bind('resize', function(){
                        window.setTimeout(function() {doResize();}, 500);
//    }).bind(‘mouseover’,function(){
//                      doResize();
//                      window.setTimeout(function() {doResize();}, 250);
{doResize();}, 500);

                        window.setTimeout(function() {doResize();}, 15);
        window.setTimeout(function() {doResize();}, 15);

now the thing is this.. $('a'). always works 100%... doResize(); fires
every time...
thing is I know 99% it’s resize being the bastard do to ‘mouseover’
also overing 100%

I have two places you can check out


which loads slower as it's open... so I don't have to use the
setTimeout there


which is the buttoned down version... and has the window.setTimeout
(function() {doResize();}, 15);

but this it the thing.... it is like the resize event just doesn't
what to play ball it's allover the map.... anyone have any ideas?

thank you for the help...

if you need more information you can read more here

tons and tons of talk about how and way the resize may not be
working... It almost seems like a core issue with jQuery it's self???

again thank you for the help...


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