Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel wrote:
my question. How i do to used this .css file in  my .html with jQuery¿

You can see a working sample here:


(Choose test.html.)

The key is this:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>

This points to the CSS file style.css in the same directory as the HTML page. Once that's working you can play with other possible locations for the CSS, such as

    href = "../../stylesheets/style.css"

which finds the CSS in the directory called "stylesheets" which sits in a directory parallel to the parent of the directory holding the HTML (because "../" means in essense, "up one level".

Or you could try it with a location such as

    href = "/css/style.css"

which points to the root directory for your web content (because it starts with "/", then to the directory "css" inside that, and finally to the file "style.css" inside that directory.

This question, though, is not at all related to jQuery. It has to do with the basics of CSS. A great list for CSS is available at


Good luck,

  -- Scott

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