I am hoping that someone has done this before.

I am after something like this: http://static.geewax.org/checktree/index.html
I will explain why this fine example does not work for my instance

The behavior of the “United States” section in particular is what we
are after.
If a parent checkbox is checked, everything below that parent also
gets checked.
Unlike the example, there would not be a way to uncheck a child if the
parent is selected.

There are multiple “levels” of the parent child relationship.
The example of the United States shown above has 2 levels.
In our case there can be up to 9 levels of depth.
In this case if the ultimate parent is selected, all 9 levels (all
parent and all children) would be selected.
When any parent within the hierarchy is selected, their children
become selected.

The system needs to work with checkboxes rather than images as shown
in the example.
This would mean that the checkboxes for the children of a selected
parent are “disabled” thus not allowing a child to not be selected.

We are currently using the tree from “sample 3” from Bassistance
(http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/) to get that behavior.

If all this were not enough, the tree could contain 2,000 items that
make up this hierarchy.
So the less “building” the page has to do the better. All of the item
will be loaded on the page when the page is rendered.

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