The above code selects all the controls except <img> tag.

On Jan 13, 11:26 am, Karl Rudd <> wrote:
> The '*' selector will select _all_ the nodes (including the <br/>s).
> Try using the ':input' selector:
> $("#form1 :input")
> Karl Rudd
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 5:16 PM, JQueryProgrammer
> <> wrote:
> > I am trying to validate all the controls that exist in the form. My
> > form code looks like:
> > <form id="form1">
> >        <input type="text" id="txt1" name="txt1" />
> >        <br/>
> >        <textarea name="txtArea" id="txtArea" cols="100" rows="4" />
> >        <br/>
> >        <select id="sel1" name="sel1" style="width: 250px;" >
> >                <option value="">Select</option>
> >                <option value="1">One</option>
> >                <option value="2">Two</option>
> >                <option value="3">Three</option>
> >        </select>
> >        <br/>
> >        <input type="radio" id="rdo1" name="rdo1"
> > value="Option1">&nbsp;Option 1&nbsp;
> >        <br/>
> >        <input type="radio" id="rdo2" name="rdo1"
> > value="Option2">&nbsp;Option 2&nbsp;
> >        <br/>
> >        <button id="btn1">Submit</button>
> >        <button id="btn2">Reset</button>
> > </form>
> > I want to select only the controls of the form viz: textbox, textarea,
> > select, radio & button (Total 7). I am trying to extract them as
> > $("#form1 *").each(function() {
> >     alert($("#+this").attr("id"));
> > })
> > it gives me total 16 alerts. I want just 7. Any help..?

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