Hi there,

Let me first say Jeditable is a great plugin! I'm currently trying to
get it to submit to a function so I can make the Ajax request return a
JSON object and do some things with it before returning the final
value. I'm not quite sure how I go about performing an Ajax request
inside the function because once the Ajax request has been made it
just continues on. I can't seem to figure out a way to get the
function to wait for the Ajax function to return and then in the
callback somehow pass the value to the original function that
Jeditable is expecting the return value from. Take the following code
for example:

$('.editable').editable(function(value, settings) {
     $.post("example.php", { id: "example", value: value },
        var valueFromAjaxRequest = data.example;
     //The function should somehow wait for the return value from the
Ajax request.
  }, {
     submit  : 'OK',

I know that Ajax is Asynchronous and shouldn't make the function wait
till the callback is made but the documentation on the Jeditable
website makes it sound like its possible to do something like this.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about and knows how to implement this
please let me know.



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