
I've got a deadline to get a project working and I'm stuck with a
getJSON call problem.

Here's what's happening. Visitors come to a landing page on domain A
(domaina.com). All of the links and form submits on this page are
coded with a javascript call to a function which calls getJSON on a
completey different domain (domainb.com). The format of the onclick is
like this:

<a href="page.html" onclick="jsoncall(value);">Go somewhere on Domain

The format of the getJSON call is like this:

jQuery.getJSON("http://domainb.com/logclick.php?value="; + value +
"&transaction=" +transactionid);

where the value is the passed value and transactionid is an identifier
of the visitor to the page.

Problem is the logging of the click is intermitent. Sometimes it gets
logged and sometimes it doesn't. I'm sure this problem has to do with
my misunderstanding of how the onclick works. I had assumed that the
onclick would always complete fire before the link goes to the new
page. It seems as if this is not the case. Sometimes the getJSON
appears to be called and sometimes it doesn't. And, I need to make
sure ALL of those clicks get tracked somehow.

Any help woud be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping someone has run
across a similar problem.

Thanks so much,


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