Your issue may be related to the fact the when you call .dialog(), it moves
the element it wraps (the dialog content) to the end of the body (no other
way to get it to be on top in IE). This trips up some people because they'll
turn a part of a form (say a fieldset or a div inside a form) into a dialog
and elements will actually be ripped out of the form, breaking the form. I
noticed that's not what you're doing below, since you've got a div around
your form and you're turning that into a dialog, but that's my best guess.

Anyway, I hope that helps you isolate the problem. If you're able to post a
full page online, I'd be happy to look at it. Also note, there's a dedicated
jQuery UI mailing list:

- Richard

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:59 PM, cmulist <> wrote:

> I am using the Form plugin to do an ajaxSubmit on a form that contains
> a
> file upload.  The form submits fine on a regular HTML page, but when I
> use
> the form on a dialog (, the form
> churns and
> never submits.  Relevant code below
> Form
> <div id="addDocument" class="hideElement">
> <form id="incidentDocumentForm" method="POST"
>        enctype="multipart/form-data"><input
>        type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" />
> <div class="formlbl">Description:</div>
> <div class="formCol"><input type="text" name="fileDescription"
>        id="fileDescription" size="30" /></div>
> <div class="newline">&nbsp;</div>
> <div class="formlbl">File:</div>
> <div class="formCol"><input type="file" name="file" id="file"
>        size="60" /></div>
> <div class="newline_para">&nbsp;</div>
> <div class="formlbl"><input type="submit" value="Submit" id="sd" /></
> div>
> </form></div>
> javascript that fires the dialog
> function addDocument() {
>        $("#addDocument").dialog("close");
>        $("#addDocument").removeClass("hideElement").dialog( {draggable:
> true,
>        bgiframe: false,
>        resizable: false,
>        title:'Add A Supporting Document', width: 500, height: 280});
> }
> Submit ( ajaxSubmit() ) Code
> $('form#incidentDocumentForm').submit(function(){
>            var oldhtml = $('#addDocument').html();
>            var errorSendingMsg = 'Your document could not be saved.
> Please
> try again';
>            var loadingImgSrc =
> '${pageContext.request.contextPath}/styles/images/indicator.gif';
>            var options = {
>                //url:
> '',
>                url: '',
>                type: 'POST',
>                dataType: 'html',
>                iframe: true,
>                target: '#addDocument',
>                timeout: 1,
>                beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) {
>                    $('#addDocument').html("<div
> class=\"newline_para\">&nbsp;</div> "+loadingImgSrc+" ");
>                    return true;
>                },
>                error: function(){
>                    $('#addDocument').html(oldhtml);
>                    alert(errorSendingMsg);
>                },
>                success: function(response){
>                    $("#addDocument").dialog("close");
>                    //location.reload();
>                }
>            };
>            $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
>            return false;
> });
> Thoughts?

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