here is some untested code

$('ul.sub-text-points li a.point-1').hover(function() {
if ( $(this).class("current_point") {}
   $('a.point-2, a.point-3').removeClass("current_point");
   $('p.sub-text').fadeOut(300, function(){ /* Looks like this is the
start of the problem? */
       $(this).html('Changed text');
   function() {

like I say, untested, but should give you a starting point.

Liam Potter wrote:
You could add a class say, "nochange" check for that on hover, if found, no dothing, if not, continue to change.

davebowker wrote:

I'm trying to get a little hover script running. It's using the
hoverIntent plugin, but substituting that for hover will work for this

What I'm trying to do is hover a link which will fade out a paragraph,
change the contents of that paragraph, and then fade that paragraph
back in. I have that working in my code so far.

The bug I'm trying to fix is that when I hover over the now active
link again, it repeats the fadeOut > change contents > fadeIn script
again, but as the content has already been changed it just becomes an
annoying fadeOut fadeIn effect.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here's my code.

$('ul.sub-text-points li a.point-1').hover(function() {
    $('a.point-2, a.point-3').removeClass("current_point");
    $('p.sub-text').fadeOut(300, function(){ /* Looks like this is the
start of the problem? */
        $(this).html('Changed text');
    function() {

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