Anyone got any ideas?

On Jan 15, 4:08 pm, cajchris <> wrote:
> Also notice that the jQuery is adding lots of information into my HTML
> tags such as jQuery1232031575583="..." in the anchor tags and list
> item tags. it also adds <span class=sf-sub-indicator
> jQuery1232031575583="null">»</span> inside the anchor tags, I presume
> to get the arrows.
> I noticed in the source of the example given by superfish that this
> does not appear in their tags
> On Jan 15, 4:00 pm, cajchris <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have been using superfish for the navigation for a site I am working
> > on and have ran into problems regarding the "current" class that is
> > applied to each li tag which is in the current path.
> > Whenever I hover over the top level, the 2nd level is displayed and
> > the links are are all there, with the current one highlighted. However
> > once I move the mouse away from the menu altogether, the 2nd level
> > does not remain displayed with the links in it as before, instead they
> > disappear after a delay, and I am left with a blank blue strip where
> > the links should be.
> > In the source of my page I have:
> > <script src="
> > jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type=text/javascript></script >
> > <script src="
> > jquery.tabs.pack.js" type=text/javascript></script >
> > <script src="
> > jquery.history.pack.js" type=text/javascript</script >
> > <script language=JavaScript src="/Relatis1/scripts/topnavigation.js"
> > type=text/javascript></script >
> > <script language=JavaScript src="/Relatis1/scripts/supersubs.js"
> > type=text/javascript></script >
> > <link href="/Relatis1/Skin/P/topnavigation.css" type=text/css
> > rel=stylesheet>
> > <link href="/Relatis1/Skin/P/topnav-horizontal.css" type=text/css
> > rel=stylesheet>
> > <script type=text/javascript>$(document).ready(function(){$
> > ('#horizontal-menu').superfish({pathClass:  'current'}); });</script >
> > This is the same as the superfish example except that I have
> > downloaded the css files and the 2 superfish javascript files onto my
> > local machine and renamed them. The only change being in the "topnav-
> > horizontal.css" file whereby I changed:
> > .sf-navbar li ul {
> >         width:                  44em; /*IE6 soils itself without this*/
> > }
> > TO
> > .sf-navbar li ul {
> >         width:                  150em; /*IE6 soils itself without this*/
> > }
> > As I needed the 2nd level strip to be wider as it contains more links
> > than the example given.
> > A snippt of my HTML source for the menu is:
> >               <UL class="sf-menu sf-navbar sf-js-enabled sf-shadow"
> > id=horizontal-menu serial="0" sfTimer="1313775"
> > jQuery1232031575583="451">
> >                 <LI class=current jQuery1232031575583="3">
> >                 <A class="sf-with-ul" id=11386_Tab onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="55">Home<SPAN class=sf-sub-indicator
> > jQuery1232031575583="null">»</SPAN></A>
> >                 <UL class="" style="DISPLAY: none; FILTER: ;
> > VISIBILITY: hidden; ZOOM: 1" oldblock="block"
> > jQuery1232031575583="452">
> >                   <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="4">
> >                   <A class=sf-with-ul id=m11387 title="Complaint
> > Search" onclick="" href="#" jQuery1232031575583="56">Complaint
> > Search<SPAN class=sf-sub-indicator jQuery1232031575583="null">»</
> > SPAN></A>
> >                   <UL class="" style="DISPLAY: none; FILTER: ;
> > VISIBILITY: hidden; ZOOM: 1" oldblock="block"
> > jQuery1232031575583="453">
> >                     <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="57">
> >                     <A class="" id=m11388 title=Open onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="58">Open</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="59">
> >                     <A id=m11389 title=Pending onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="60">Pending</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="61">
> >                     <A id=m11390 title=Closed onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="62">Closed</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="63">
> >                     <A id=m15012 title=fdgdfgdg onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="64">fdgdfgdg</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                   </UL>
> >                   </LI>
> >                   <LI class=current jQuery1232031575583="65">
> >                   <A id=m11440 title="Customer Search" onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="66">Customer Search</A>
> >                   </LI>
> >                   <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="67">
> >                   <A id=m11391 title="Quote / Policy Search"
> > onclick="" href="#" jQuery1232031575583="68">Quote / Policy Search</A>
> >                   </LI>
> >                   <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="69">
> >                   <A id=m12064 title="Renewal Search" onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="70">Renewal Search</A>
> >                   </LI>
> >                   <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="5">
> >                   <A class=sf-with-ul id=m12305 title=Calendar
> > onclick="" href="#" jQuery1232031575583="71">Calendar<SPAN class=sf-
> > sub-indicator jQuery1232031575583="null">»</SPAN></A>
> >                   <UL style="DISPLAY: none; VISIBILITY: hidden"
> > oldblock="block">
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="72">
> >                     <A id=m12366 title=Day onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="73">Day</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="74">
> >                     <A id=m12367 title=Week onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="75">Week</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="76">
> >                     <A id=m12368 title=Month onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="77">Month</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="78">
> >                     <A id=m12424 title="Calendar Settings" onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="79">Calendar Settings</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                   </UL>
> >                   </LI>
> >                   <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="6">
> >                   <A class=sf-with-ul id=m11900 title=Email onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="80">Email<SPAN class=sf-sub-indicator
> > jQuery1232031575583="null">»</SPAN></A>
> >                   <UL style="DISPLAY: none; VISIBILITY: hidden"
> > oldblock="block">
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="81">
> >                     <A id=m14210 title=Filters onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="82">Filters</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="83">
> >                     <A id=m14211 title=Search onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="84">Search</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                   </UL>
> >                   </LI>
> >                   <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="7">
> >                   <A class=sf-with-ul id=m11780 title=FAQ onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="85">FAQ<SPAN class=sf-sub-indicator
> > jQuery1232031575583="null">»</SPAN></A>
> >                   <UL style="DISPLAY: none; VISIBILITY: hidden"
> > oldblock="block">
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="86">
> >                     <A id=m11781 title="All Groups" onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="87">All Groups</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="88">
> >                     <A id=m11782 title="Top 10" onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="89">Top 10</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="90">
> >                     <A id=m12668 title=AECustView onclick="" href="#"
> > jQuery1232031575583="91">AECustView</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                   </UL>
> >                   </LI>
> >                   <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="8">
> >                   <A class=sf-with-ul id=m11760 title=News onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="92">News<SPAN class=sf-sub-indicator
> > jQuery1232031575583="null">»</SPAN></A>
> >                   <UL style="DISPLAY: none; VISIBILITY: hidden"
> > oldblock="block">
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="93">
> >                     <A id=m11761 title="News Browse" onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="94">News Browse</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >                   </UL>
> >                   </LI>
> >                   <LI class="" jQuery1232031575583="9">
> >                   <A class=sf-with-ul id=m12405 title=Folders
> > style="CURSOR: default" jQuery1232031575583="95">Folders<SPAN class=sf-
> > sub-indicator jQuery1232031575583="null">»</SPAN></A>
> >                   <UL style="DISPLAY: none; VISIBILITY: hidden"
> > oldblock="block">
> >                     <LI jQuery1232031575583="96">
> >                     <A id=m12124 title="My Folders" onclick=""
> > href="#" jQuery1232031575583="97">My Folders</A>
> >                     </LI>
> >          
> ...
> read more »

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