Thanks, Balazs!

Hi Diego,

I took a quick look at the moreSelectors script and noticed that it uses the [...@attr] syntax in a few places. It also defines the pseudo- selectors as strings.

I took the liberty of updating the script. I removed the :csv() selector and the extended filter() method, though, because they were causing problems that I couldn't fix quickly.

Try this one out and see if it works for you:


Karl Swedberg

On Jan 15, 2009, at 11:01 AM, Balazs Endresz wrote:

In jquery.liveFilter.js a pseudo selector defined as a string, which
was deprected since 1.2 if I remember right.

jQuery.expr[':'], {
 insContains : "jQuery(a).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(m

This should be a function instead:

jQuery.expr[':'].insContains = function(a,i,m){
return jQuery(a).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase())>=0

On Jan 15, 4:09 pm, tpb976 <> wrote:
It seems the problem has to do with creating custom selectors. I have
a custom selector that I created and I am receiving this exact error.
I am currently looking into the problem to see what I can figure out.

On Jan 15, 9:05 am, Diego <> wrote:

Hi (me again), the problem was being caused by the moreSelectors
plugin on this page:

On Jan 15, 2:40 pm, Diego <> wrote:

FYI. I found my offending code. It's a combination of these selectors:
:text, :password, :file, :select, :button

I just can't figure out why!

On Jan 15, 7:39 am, "" <> wrote:

I was checking all of my random plugins/scripts to make sure they all
work with jQuery 1.3 and I found one that is having problems.

An example of it is available at:

If you enter some text into the input firebug will report that
"filter is not a function"

Anyone know if this is a bug or if I have to change something in my
code for the new 1.3 release?

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