This has probably been asked several times on the list but I'm having
trouble finding a resolution.

I have a simple problem where I dynamically add html to a div when the
user clicks a link based on an event handler, which works fine.
However, I am further trying to bind events to a couple of buttons
that are part of the dynamic html that has just been added.

Using the following selector, I am able to view the newly added html
table and see the input button listed:

$('#' + parentId + ' > #submitForm > table')

But, nothing is returned when I try to use something similar to get
the submit button:

$('#' + parentId + ' > #submitForm > table #button_id')

I've tried a number of different selectors, including '>' and '
' (space) but can't seem to find it correctly in the DOM.

Thanks for any help.


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