i'm stuck on a pretty basic concept.

on hovers of a's, i'm trying to load an element from another page by
url and id into a display div.  i'm trying to get those 2 bits of info
from the triggering a. i'm close: the product matches a hard coded
string, but doesn't load (the way the hard coded version does)

any tips at all (other than "consult the docs"--i've tried, i'm
learning.) on doing this, or streamlining my caveman work will be
insanely appreciated. thanks!

$(document).ready(function() {
        var defHref;
        var defHrefSplit;
        var defUrl;
        var defId;
        var defList;
                // over
              function () {
                defHref = $(this).attr("href");
                defHrefSplit = defHref.split('#');
                defUrl = defHrefSplit[0];
                defId = "#"+defHrefSplit[1];
                $("#display").append("<span id='def'></span>");
// seems to eval correctly, but doesn't work
                $("#def").load(defUrl defId));
// the hard coded version (works)
                //$("#def").load("dictionary.html #puppy");
                // out
              function () {


an example a tag:
<a href="dictionary.html#puppies">puppies</a>

dev url:

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