The idea is that you don't need to call live every time, it works
Just call it at start and it should keep on working.

Ariel Flesler

On Jan 16, 6:57 pm, seasoup <> wrote:
> I'm playing around with the new .live functionality.  it seems very
> cool.
> I have a page that gets refreshed with ajax with a .live getting set
> for a list of links every time, so I need to call .die but .dies
> doesn't seem to be working...
>     $('a[name=prioritya]').die('click', currFxn);
>     $('a[name=prioritya]').live('click', currFxn);
> I don't think it matters what currFxn does, but it is a defined
> function.  Any idea why .die isn't working?
> Secondly, if I call $('a[name=prioritya]').die('click'); does that
> remove all live 'click' events from the page, or just those registered
> to a[name=prioritya]?
> Thanks,
> Josh Powell

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