
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 7:04 PM, jQuery Lover
<ilovejqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not 100% sure, but I remember reading somewhere that jQuery looks
> for "=?" to replace the "?" part of the pattern.
> Try querying
> http://example.com/xxx/yyy/=?

Yes, this works! But need some trick, because jquery replaces to:


But this is not big problem, because in server side php with a simple
regexp ( /=(.*?)\?/ ) i grab the callback name.

> OR in case this won't work try this:
> http://example.com/xxx/yyy/?tmp=dummy&callback=?

I don't try this because the first working, and this look like more difficult.

Thank you for your idea!


ps.: I mean, it's better to change the documentation from "...replaces
the ? with the correct method name..." to "replaces the =? with the
'='+correct method name".

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