
Im beginer with ajax and i nead help .
I use the autocomplate plugin and i have this code

        $("#suggest13").autocomplete(customers, {
                minChars: 0,
                width: 310,
                matchContains: true,
                autoFill: false,
                formatItem: function(row, i, max) {
                return "<a href='index.htm?ID=" + row.ID + "'>" + row.name + 
                formatMatch: function(row, i, max) {
                return row.name + " " + row.ID;
                formatResult: function(row) {
                return row.name ;

I have two rows , name and ID
in the formatItem: function i make a link
return "<a href='index1.htm?ID=" + row.ID + "'>" + row.name + "</a>";

Can i when i click the link to go in the page of link?

Sory for my bad english

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