I had a similar problem today in MSIE7 with 1.3:

Look into this:

It solved my problem.

On Jan 19, 7:21 pm, graphicsxp <graphic...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Here's exactly the code I wrote :
>  var pop = window.open("PrintList.aspx");
> if ($.browser.msie) {
>       $(pop.document).ready(function() {
>         $("#list", pop.document).html('hello');
>       });
>     } else {
>       $(pop).load(function() {
>         $("#list", pop.document).html('hello');
>       });
>     }
> As you can see I have to use a different event for IE 7.0 and other
> broswers (that being FF 3.0 as I don't have any other browsers
> installed on my PC)
> In FF, it is working as expected. However in IE, the first time that
> code is called, the popup is opened but the ready event is not fired.
> If I close the popup, and trigger that code again, the ready is then
> fired ! And it works for all the following attempts, until I close my
> main window and I try again : same behaviour, ready not fired the
> first time the popup is opened but then works after that.
> This is really strange, if someone has an answer to this issue, please
> shed some light on this !
> Thanks
> On 19 jan, 10:54, graphicsxp <graphic...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > actually it does work in Firefox !  The problem is in IE (7.0). Any
> > idea ?
> > On 19 jan, 10:46, graphicsxp <graphic...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > Thanks for the tip. That didn't do anything though. I've tried
> > >  $(pop).load(fn)  and  $(pop)._load(fn)  as there seems to be two
> > > functions called load (one relates to AJAX).
> > > Anyway, I still can't get this to work.
> > > On 16 jan, 17:14, Ricardo Tomasi <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I've seen this before, it seems the 'ready' doesn't fire on opened
> > > > windows or frames, you have to use $(pop).load(fn) instead.
> > > > On Jan 16, 1:11 pm, graphicsxp <graphic...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Hello,
> > > > > I'm trying to set the html content of a DIV (id='list') which sits in
> > > > > a page opened with window.open :
> > > > > var pop = window.open("PrintList.aspx");
> > > > >     $(pop.document).ready(function() {
> > > > >       $("#list", pop.document).html("hello");
> > > > >     });
> > > > > As you can see, the string 'hello' should be written to the DIV once
> > > > > the page is loaded. Yet the first time I execute this script the
> > > > > string is never written. If I close the new window and I execute the
> > > > > script again, it will work. It's only the first time I execute it....
> > > > > how weird..
> > > > > Does anyone know why ?
> > > > > Thanks- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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