Why not just do:

function addEvent(obj, evt, fn){
  jQuery(obj).bind(evt, fn);

Just defer everything to jQuery!


On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 2:48 AM, rundmw <run...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an existing application which I would like to transition to use
> jQuery. The app currently uses Dean Edwards addEvent() function in
> many (many!) locations, mostly as addEvent(window, 'load', fn). In all
> of these cases, wndow.onload is not strictly required; document.ready
> () would not only suffice, but be a significant improvement.
> Rather than chase all the references in the app to addEvent(), it
> would be desirable to replace the Dean Edwards implementation with
> something like the following:
> function addEvent(obj, evt, fn){
>  if (obj == window && evt = 'load'){
>     // use document onready
>  } else {
>    use the original addEvent code
>  }
> }
> Does this seem reasonable? Any suggestions on the precise syntax?
> [ I'm not a noob, per se, but I do confess that sometimes the jQuery
> codebase ventures a bit over my head, getting  a bit confusing with
> issues of binding, with IE memory leaks, etc. So I apologize in
> advance for the somewhat vague and possibly trivial nature of the
> request. ]
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks and best regards,

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