This was mentioned on the jquery-dev group or somewhere else, I don't
remember exactly. It's about Mootools not extending properly the
document object I think, I'm sure it has been fixed in the trunk.

I suspect this is it:

On Jan 20, 3:26 am, Neil Craig <> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm working on a project that used to implement Mootools 1.11. It has
> been decided however that we switch over to jQuery since it is much
> faster and more light-weight.
> However, because we have created numerous widgets in Mootools, we
> still have to use it while the jQuery equivalent widgets are being
> developed. We have implemented the noConflict method with various
> degrees of success.
> We have noticed that after upgrading from jQuery 1.2.6 to 1.3, that
> using the old Mootools 1.11 along with jQuery, renders the class
> selector useless.
> Executing something like jQuery(".myClass") or jQuery("div.myClass")
> returns an error: "context.getElementsByClassName is not a function".
> It occurs in the following section:
> if ( document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName ) {
>     Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
>     Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context) {
>         return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
>     };
> }
> Strangely enough the expression "if
> ( document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName )" yields a result
> of true, but context.getElementsByClassName is still undefined. The
> "context" in this case is the document object itself.
> I'm suspecting that it has got something to do with Mootools that is
> throwing a spanner into the works. Has anyone encountered a similar
> problem? Or has anyone got some comments on the subject?

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