I have reposted this at jquery-dev but it may take a bit to appear as
it is my first post on that group.

On 21 Jan, 08:54, Liam Potter <radioactiv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> you are right, this should be posted at the dev 
> grouphttp://groups.google.com/group/jquery-dev
> Kazzart wrote:
> > I noticed as of version 1.3 slideToggle animation effect had been
> > modified "the vertical padding and vertical margin are also animated,
> > creating a smoother effect" so I decided to test this out.
> > It works great in Firefox but in IE 7 its even less smooth than the
> > previous version. The vertical padding and margin actually jumps
> > rather than slides creating a noticable jumping effect (you can see
> > this on the jquery docs example page 
> > -http://docs.jquery.com/Effects/slideToggle).

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