Oh, neat idea for some quick prototypes if you'll be using this a lot.

String.prototype.is = function(){ var rgx = new RegExp('^' +
[].slice.call(arguments).join("|") + '$'); return rgx.test(this) }

Should mimic: /^A|B|C$/.test( $('#price_group_lesson').val() );

Called by:  $('#price_group_lesson').val().is('A','B','C','D');

On Jan 22, 9:00 am, pixelwiz <pixel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's some cool code.  Thanks Guys!
> -Roman
> On Jan 21, 11:49 pm, Ricardo Tomasi <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > var abc = /^A|B|C$/.test( $('#price_group_lesson').val() );
> > $('#price_group_lesson_yes')[abc ? 'slideDown' : 'slideUp']('fast')
> > (it could be a one-liner but I splitted it for readability)
> > A simpler improvement you could have done:
> > var p = $('#price_group_lesson').val();
> > if ( p == 'A' || p == 'B' || p == 'C' )
> >     $('#price_group_lesson_yes').slideDown('fast');
> > else
> >     $('#price_group_lesson_yes').slideUp('fast');
> > or
> > var p = $('#price_group_lesson').val();
> > ( p == 'A' || p == 'B' || p == 'C' )
> >     ? $('#price_group_lesson_yes').slideDown('fast') //if
> >     : $('#price_group_lesson_yes').slideUp('fast'); //else
> > Or to top it off, a hacky way of checking the value:
> > ($('#price_group_lesson').val() in {A:1, B:1, C:1})
> >     ? $('#price_group_lesson_yes').slideDown('fast')
> >     : $('#price_group_lesson_yes').slideUp('fast');
> > - ricardo
> > On Jan 21, 7:15 pm, pixelwiz <pixel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi All,  I am sure this is an easy question for someone in here.  Is
> > > there a better, cleaner, shorter way to write this:
> > > if ( ($('#price_group_lesson').attr("value") == 'B') || ($
> > > ('#price_group_lesson').attr("value") == 'C') || ($
> > > ('#price_group_lesson').attr("value") == 'D') ){
> > >                                 
> > > $('#price_group_lesson_yes').slideDown('fast');}
> > >                                 
> > > else{$('#price_group_lesson_yes').slideUp('fast');}
> > > I am creating a pretty custom questionnaire, and it has a lot of logic
> > > in it.  I wish I didn't have to type it all out like that.  I am sure
> > > there is something in javascript or jquery where I can say $
> > > ('#var').attr('value').in("A","B","C")
> > > Thanks

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