Perhaps the cache:false option is necessary? It adds a timestamp to
the end of the querystring.  The browser may be caching the request
and therefore not showing potential errors.  But then that wouldn't
explain the descrepency between apache and iis.

On Jan 22, 11:55 am, Stefano Corallo <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> i've a client side scrit that do a request to a server the server
> sleep for a 10 seconds and the respond, in the client side script i
> setup the timeout option at 1 second (1000) and i want to catch the
> error thrown (like explained all around the web :) )
> a bit of code explain better:
> //client side
> $.ajax({
>    type: "GET",
>    url: "some.php",
>    data: "name=John&location=Boston",
>    timeout: 1000
>    success: function(msg){
>      alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
>    },
>    error:function(request, errorType, errorThrown){
>       alert("opppsssss .... ");
>    }
>  });
> //backend some.php
> <?
>  //simulate long task
> sleep(10); //sleep 10 seconds
> //send response
> echo "some test data";
> ?>
> Now the problem is that under apache all work good and i can see the
> alert message oppssss, but under the iis 6 no alert message popup and
> after 10 seconds the "some test data" came back to the client ...
> Have any one experience a problem like this? There something to set in
> iis ?
> Any help appreciated :D
> ps: sorry for my bad english :(

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