Backslash is the escape character for a JavaScript string, e.g.

    alert( 'a\'b' === "a'b" );  // true

So when you use \. you're merely escaping the "." in the string - in other
words the \ does nothing in this case. When you use \\ then the first \
escapes the second one and you get the \ in the string. Try these:

    alert( '#test2.3' );  #test2.3
    alert( '#test2\.3' );  #test2.3 - same as above
    alert( '#test2\\.3' );  #test2\.3 - finally what you want


> From:
> I believe that it will function as intended if you escape the 
> dot, like so:
> $("#test2\.3")
> although I've tried now in Firebug and it seems you have to 
> escape the slash too, like so (don't know why, is it because 
> of Firebug, or?):
> $("#test2\\.3")

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