I was wondering if anyone has done the following with jQuery or if
anyone knows of a plugin that does the same. If you refer to the
target.com home page and mouseover one of the main nav buttons, like
"women". You'll see that a large html menu comes down.

What I need to do is similar, but with a twist. I need a main nav that
has several buttons. When the "services" button is moused over the
typical drop-down menu will appear with 3 menu items, like "Service1",
"Service2" and "Service3". When the user mouses over any one of these
three sub-services a large html menu should appear to the right, each
of these may be a different width and height.

I haven't been able to get superfish or my custom code to work
properly. I'm having trouble with the mouse over and mouse out states
with my custom code. Does anyone have any experience in this type of
navigation or know of an existing plugin that should help?

Thanks in advance.

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