This was never a problem before, was something changed in 1.3 that
would make this necessary?

Reason for both ways is large application built OOP in php.

Just made it so page has no body onloads and problem persists.  I did
change the flexDestroy function to be off the jquery function, that
was a nice find.

On Jan 23, 12:54 pm, seasoup <> wrote:
> Well, one issue might be that you are using onload in the body tag why
> not use the jQuery ready function that you are already using above?
> $(document).ready(function(){
>   $('#gid3').flexigrid();
>   DynarchMenu.setup('hmenu_01',{
>     context: true,
>     electric: 500,
>     tooltips: true
>   });
>   FormUtil.focusOnFirst('ttr01_con0');
>   DynarchMenu.setup('hmenu_02',{
>     electric: true
>   });
>   FormUtil.focusOnFirst(document)
> });
> Same with the unload in the body tag.
> $(document).unload(function(){
>   $('#gid3').flexDestroy();}
> On Jan 23, 9:04 am, Jay <> wrote:
> > Unfortunately, no, classified type site.  Here is code though with
> > details removed that may be problematic. There are 2 function using
> > jquery, flexigrid, and a function I wrote called flexDestroy.
> > This is the same error I get when I was building the app and the id,
> > gid3 in this case, did not exist on the page.  It does exist, but is
> > hidden. I tried unhiding it and it didnt change anything. I can toggle
> > between 1.2.6 and 1.3.1 and watch as it works, then doesn't work.
> > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
> > "";>
> > <html><head><title></title><script type="text/javascript"
> > language="JavaScript">
> > function columnMove(order,scope){
> >             var params = "";
> >             if(scope != null)
> >             {
> >               params += "&page_scope=" + scope;
> >             }
> >             $.ajax({
> >             type: "GET",
> >             url: "",
> >             data: params
> >             });
> >           };;
> > </script>
> > </script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">$
> > (document).ready(function(){$('#gid3').flexigrid();});
> > </script>
> > </head><body onload="DynarchMenu.setup('hmenu_01',{ context: true,
> > electric: 500, tooltips: true });FormUtil.focusOnFirst
> > ('ttr01_con0');DynarchMenu.setup('hmenu_02',{ electric:
> > true });FormUtil.focusOnFirst(document)" onunload="$
> > ('#gid3').flexDestroy();">
> > </body></html>
> > On Jan 23, 11:35 am, Mike Alsup <> wrote:
> > > > I have various jquery apps.  In 1.3.1 I get the error "$
> > > > ('#id3').functionName is not a function.
> > > > I switch to 1.2.6 and everything works fine.  Anyone else running into
> > > > this?
> > > Can you please post a link that demonstrates the problem you're having?

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