That sounds like the 'div float' situation - where the container div
doesn't enclose it's floated content without some un-floated element
following the floated elements:

<div style='float: left;'>obladi</div>
<div style='float: left;'>oblida</div>
<div style='clear:left;'>life goes on</div>

On Jan 24, 8:27 am, Ant <> wrote:
> In IE7, if a div height in not specified, the div fails to show.
> I got around this with:
>                 height = $('#container').height();
>                 //Create grey gradient from top left
>                 $('#container').gradientz({
>                         angle: 45,
>                         start: "#CCCCCC",
>                         end: "#F5F5F5"
>                 }).css("height",height+"px");
> Posted this for anyone with a similar problem or if Weepy wished to
> integrate this mini fix into the plugin itself.

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