Hi, Tom. I'm not great at this myself, but you need to chain your two
functions. For mouseovers, you can use the built-in hover function.

Try something like,

$("#parent1").find("a:first + ul").hover(function() {
    function() {

If all your a's are responding to every hover, you will have to
iterate over them - I think you can do this with a simple each() but I
usually add counters.

Hope this is some help.

On Jan 24, 8:21 pm, Tom  Shafer <tom.sha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have the following li. I am trying to make it so when you hover over
> the first a and all of the child ul with the class of sub fadeTo will
> come to full opacity. When you mouseout it changes opacity again.
> Here is what I have come up with.
>         <li class="parent first" id="parent1"><a href="about">About Us</a>
>                 <ul class="sub" id="sub1">
>                         <li id="lisub1"><a href="values">Our Values</a></li>
>                         <li id="lisub2"><a href="team">Our Team</a></li>
>                 </ul>
>         </li>
> $("#parent1").find("a:first + ul").mouseover(function() {
>      $("#firstImage").fadeTo("slow",.99);
>    });
>     $("#parent1").find("a:first + ul").mouseout(function() {
>      $("#firstImage").fadeTo("slow",0.33);
>    });
> I have it working with a:first. I just need it to work on both the a,
> and the ul, I have achieved something like this with all the a's but
> it fades in and out more than once when using this method.
> Any suggestions?

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