By declaring "var module" inside the function, that variable only exists inside the function. If you need access to that variable outside the function, you need to either return it from the function (i.e. return module; ) or declare the variable in the global scope. Something like this:

  var module = null;

  $(function () {
    module = { . . . };  // reset the global variable to some value

Now you can refer to that module variable from inside your iframe with

  console.log( window.parent.module );

(Assuming I am remembering my terms right - it's been a long while since I needed to do this...) In that statement, "window" refers to the current window - aka the frame. "parent" refers to the element that contains the window if one exists (refers to itself if it IS the top). Global variables (and functions) are properties of the window - not the document.

Then only part I'm not sure on is the use of the $() function in your code. I'm not sure if jQuery places the defined function on the global stack or not. If so, then you shouldn't even need the first part....

Hope that helps.


jay wrote:
perhaps you need to do this.module = {...}? Doing var module makes it
"private" I believe

On Jan 23, 3:31 pm, jquertil <> wrote:
I'm using frames (don't ask) and have exhausted my abilities
(sniff)... here is some pseudo-code to illustrate the situation:

------------------------ first, CONTAINER.HTM:
<script src=jquery.js></script>

var module = {
   something1 : function(var1){


<iframe src=iframe1.htm></iframe>

------------------------- now, IFRAME1.HTM
<script src=jquery.js></script>
      // this line above is the part where I'm stuck.
      //why won't this darn thing cooperate and alert my variable?


<div id=mydiv>click me</div>

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