It looks like you got an old version of the plugin. Try the latest
release, it has built-in support for repositioning the tooltip at the
viewport border:


On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 11:26 PM, CNN_news <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a theme that shows a preview of the image that the mouse is
> currently hovering over with a larger image using jquery tooltip.
> The problem is that it always places the preview on the right and if
> the image is on the right side of the page the preview causes
> horizontal scrolling,
> see for yourself:
> Is it possible make the preview switch to the left side of the mouse
> if the mouse if on the right side of the page (ie. past a certain
> point in the x-axis),
> Somebody posted this code as a solution but I have not been able to
> implement it:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks a lot of the extremely useful script!
> To position the tooltip depending where you are, you need to rewrite
> some of the code using the offset() property of jQUERY.
> var toolTipPosition = $(this).offset(); //Declare the Offset object
> var offsetX = 0;
> var offsetY = 0;
> //Then in the hover property
> $("#tooltip")
> .css("top",( - posiY) + "px")//Will set where the
> link/thumbnail is horizontally
> .css("left",( toolTipPosition.left + this.offsetWidth/2 + posiX) +
> "px") /*Will be positioned to the middle of the link/thumbnail, you
> can alway remove this.offsetWidth/2 to remove the middle placement
> thing.*/
> //Remove the mouseover function and your set!
> .fadeIn("fast");
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks.

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