> Can someone help? I have two problems. Both I think are tiny.
> First problem: I'm almost done successfully installing the Cycle
> plugin.
> If you use FireFox to go here:
> http://acuitas.com/index.php
> then click on the Refresh button, you'll see it works great.
> Please tell me why I need the refresh button?
> Second problem: Now loadhttp://acuitas.com/index.phpin MSIE.
> As you see, it just loads the images in a long ribbon down the page.
> What's that about?

1.)  The slideshow has no height because you did not explicitly give
it one in css and the img tags do not have width or height
attributes.  When your page loads the first time, and the images are
not cached, the size of the slideshow can not be properly computed.

2.)  You have an extra comma at the end of this line:

delay:  -1000,


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