$('this option:selected')

is looking for a DOM element of <this></this>

it needs to be


On Jan 27, 3:12 pm, "Rick Faircloth" <r...@whitestonemedia.com> wrote:
> Hi, all...
> Are the first three lines of code below legitimate?
> I've got a page full of dropdowns (.agents) and when
> a user uses one to change the agent, I want to send
> the choice to my processing page via ajax.
> I want to trigger the ajax function when the user
> changes the selection and I saw in the docs where
> the option selection could be used to do that, so I tried
> to modify the code to suit my needs.
> Apparently, I've got something wrong, because I get
> no response from changing the dropdown.  No errors
> in Firebug, either.  
> The first three lines of code are of concern and also
> the use of "this" to specify the agent_id in the "formval" var.
> Will those code work, if modified, or should I
> just go with changing the dropdown and then giving the user
> an update button to trigger the ajax function?
> Thanks for any feedback.
> Rick
> <script>
>    $(document).ready(function() {              
>       $('.agents').change(function() {
>          $('this option:selected').each(function() {
>             var formval = { dsn:       
> '<cfoutput>#application.dsn#</cfoutput>',    
>                             agent_id:  $(this).attr('value') };
>                             $.ajax({    cache: false,
>                                          type: "POST",
>                                           url:
> "../components/floor_duty.cfc?method=get_new_agent&returnFormat=json",
>                                      dataType: "json",
>                                          data: formval,
>                                       success: function(response) {
>                                                   if (response.MESSAGE == 
> 'Success')
>                                                      { alert('Success'); }
>                                                   else
>                                                      { alert('Failure'); }
>                                                   }
>                             });
>          });
>       });
>    });

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