This seemed to work on FF and IE:


On Jan 27, 3:36 pm, jquertil <> wrote:
> If i want to do something in a parent frame, I would do this:
> $('#myDiv', top.document).hide();
> but what about this following scenario? I'm inside a frame that was
> created like so:
> $('body', top.document).append('<iframe id="myiframe"></iframe>');
> inside myiframe, I now want to know the id of my iframe, because I
> would not know it.
> All I am able to "see" in the DOM is the topmost document.
> I could traverse through all the iframes and get their ID's but that's
> useless because I wouldn't know which of them is the one I'm currently
> in.
> I suppose I'm simply trying to pass a variable to a child frame so it
> becomes available on the frame's document.onload().

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