thank's i'll give it a try ... stay tuned :D

On 27 Gen, 22:45, Ricardo Tomasi <> wrote:
> Hi Stefano, I think I found a solution. All you need to do is check if
> the callback has been called after your specified timeout. If it has
> not been called yet, overwrite it with an empty function, else do
> nothing. That will mess up with any further usage of the callback, but
> it works for this case anyway, take a look:
> Change the timeout: 1 in the $.jsonp() call to a short/long value to
> test it. I made the callback and timeout callback Firebug logs also.
> cheers,
> - ricardo
> On Jan 27, 5:01 pm, Ricardo Tomasi <> wrote:
> > Unless you remove the script tag after the 'timeout', of couse.
> > On Jan 27, 9:59 am, Mike Alsup <> wrote:
> > > > ah .... and there is no way to simulate that?
> > > You can simulate a timeout in your code by using setTimeout, but it's
> > > not the same as when the XHR is used for the request.  With XHR jQuery
> > > can invoke the abort fn to cancel the request.  There is no such
> > > option for the jsonp script injection method.  So you can not close
> > > the connection or do anything particularly useful other than assume
> > > your timeout is being called because the request failed.  But then
> > > you're only guessing, and the response may return the moment after you
> > > time it out.

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