no wonder it didn't work, .Row is only on captions, try this

$("table.Grid tr:even td").each().addClass("colouredtd");

I did mean to leave spaces yes, you write the selector just like you would with CSS.

kevind wrote:
i added it thus:
$(".Grid .Row:even td").each().addClass("colouredtd");

style on page=
.colouredtd {background:silver;}
Did you mean to leave a space between .Grid and .Row ?  I'm new to the
JQuery syntax - does anyone have a page that breaks down how to select
different elements and their child (if that's the right term) elements
- the Selectors section of the JQuery documentation online tends to
deal with divs first.


On Jan 28, 12:05 pm, Liam Potter <> wrote:
if you have to have the background color on the td use this

$(".Grid .Row:even td").each().css("background","silver");


if you can put the background color on the tr instead and leave the td 
transparent it's just this

$(".Grid .Row:even").css("background","silver");


I'd change .css("background","silver"); to .addClass("classname"); though.

kevind wrote:
i have this table structure - a database feeds rows into it with
Class=Row or AltRow
I want to paint the columns in alternating colours for both Row and
AltRow for readability
I tried:
and other variations - i'm having difficulty selecting the TD's in the
TR of Class 'Row' which is in the table of class 'Grid' - at one point
i got a checkerboard effect  :)   I can give the table an ID if that's
better to pick things out
Any help appreciated
<table class="Grid" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <caption class="Row">Total Records:&nbsp;5&nbsp;</caption>
         <tr class="Caption">
         <tr class="GroupCaption">
          <th style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </th>
           <th style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </th>
           <th style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </th>
           <th style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </th>
           <th style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </th>
           <th style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </th>
           <th style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </th>
         <tr class="Row">
          <td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </td>
          <td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">150 </td>
          <td>ExamOne Hamilton </td>
          <td>printer </td>
          <td>&nbsp; </td>
          <td>Laura Felker </td>
          <td>Un-Assigned </td>
         <tr class="Row">
          <td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">&nbsp; </td>
          <td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">150 </td>
          <td>&nbsp;  </td>
          <td>monitors </td>
          <td>&nbsp; </td>
          <td>&nbsp;  </td>
          <td>Un-Assigned </td>
  <tr class="Footer">
          <td colspan="7">
   <!-- ..nav buttons appear here -->

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