You need to put that code right after append(), like

     .appendTo('#update-target table')
}); //close each(

On Jan 28, 12:47 pm, septemberbrain <> wrote:
> Thanks.  I tried that but it did not work.  Tried placing it within
> the function, outside the function, etc.  I think the issue has
> something to do with the dynamic creation of the table.  I've done
> this in the past with Spry which has operators that enable you to do
> this. I haven't been able to find similar features in jQuery.
> On Jan 27, 7:13 pm, donb <> wrote:
> > $("tr:odd","table.stripeme").addClass('altcolor');
> > is a way to stripe the rows.  It is assumed there is a class
> > 'altcolor' with a suitable background-color definition.
> > On Jan 27, 4:43 pm, septemberbrain <> wrote:
> > > I have some code that reads an xml file and outputs to a table.  I
> > > would like the rows to have alternate colors but cannot get it to work
> > > properly.  Below is my code.  Hope someone can help.
> > > Thanks!
> > >   <script src="../jQuery/jquery-1.3.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></
> > > script>
> > > <style type="text/css">
> > >         tr.alt td {background:#e1e7e8;}
> > >         tr.over td {background::#99a4a4;}
> > > </style>
> > >      <script type="application/javascript">
> > >          $(document).ready(function(){
> > >              $.ajax({
> > >                  type: "GET",
> > >                  url: "FTF_OLL.xml",
> > >                  dataType: "xml",
> > >                  success: function(xml) {
> > >                      $(xml).find('Document').each(function(){
> > >                          var title_text = $(this).find('Title').text()
> > >                          var type_text = $(this).find('Type').text()
> > >                          var format_text = $(this).find('Format').text
> > > ()
> > >                          var location_text = $(this).find
> > > ('Location').text()
> > >                          var track_text = $(this).find('Track').text()
> > >                          var company_text = $(this).find
> > > ('Company').text()
> > >                          $('<tr></tr>')
> > >                              .html('<td>' + title_text + '</td><td>' +
> > > type_text + '</td><td>' + format_text + '</td><td>' + location_text +
> > > '</td><td>' + track_text + '</td><td>' + company_text + '</td>' )
> > >                              .appendTo('#update-target table');
> > >                      }); //close each(
> > >                  }
> > >              }); //close $.ajax(
> > >  }); //close $(
> > >      </script>
> > >    </head>
> > >    <body>
> > >      <p>
> > >        <div id='update-target'>
> > >          <table class="stripeMe"><tr><td>Title</td><td>Type</
> > > td><td>Format</td><td>Location</td><td>Track</td><td>Company</td></
> > > tr></table>         </div>
> > >      </p>

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