Not bad at all...if I "remove" them with slideUp, in succession, how would I
do that?

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Stephan Veigl <>wrote:

> I'm not sure if I realy understand what you want to do, but it could
> look something like
>  <div id="root">
>    <div class="myHeader"><button>+</button></div>
>    <div class='myPanel'>1</div>
>    <div class='myPanel'>2</div>
>    <div class='myPanel'>3</div>
>    <div class='myPanel'>4</div>
>    <div class='myPanel'>5</div>
> </div>
> JavaScript:
>  var myPanels = $(".myPanel").hide();
>  var nextPanel = 0;
>  $(".myHeader button").click(function(){
>    if (nextPanel < myPanels.length) {
>      $(myPanels[nextPanel++]).slideDown();
>    }
>  });
> However, you may have problems if you delete or insert a panel.
> A more flexible, but not so performat method would be:
> (same HTML)
> JavaScript:
>  var myPanels = $(".myPanel").hide();
>  $(".myHeader button").click(function(){
>    $(".myPanel:hidden:first").slideDown();
>  });
> by(e)
> Stephan
> 2009/1/27 webopolis <>:
>  >
> > I want to have 1 "+" with x number of slide panels set to display:
> > none; under it . When a user clicks the "+" a panel is revealed. Each
> > time the "+" is clicked, the next panel is revealed, and so on. Each
> > panel will have a "x" that can be clicked to close itself.
> >
> > I figure I would have to create an array for my collection of DIVs,
> > then with clicks, iterate through each one until I have the desired
> > number of panels revealed, or, I reach the end of the array.
> >
> > I just have no idea how to begin with this.
> >
> > Am I making any sense?
> >

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