I wrote an API Browser as a "Web App" for the iPhone and iPod touch. It
downloads the docs to a local sqlite database for quick browsing of the API.
It is basically a proof of concept right now (the code is ugly and a little
buggy). However, if enough people like it I'll go ahead and take the time
the polish it up and fix the quirks/bugs. Let me know what you think, how it
performs, etc. BTW... If you add it to your home screen it will launch
without the Safari chrome.

Beware the first time you visit this site it will download the docs in XML
format (368KB) and then store them in the database. So be patient, the setup
screen will let you know what is going on and there will be a big "Continue"
button that shows up once everything is done.


One bug I know is fairly annoying is that if you click the back button to a
long page it won't scroll. Just click back one more time and then go to that
page again and it will magically scroll again. I tweaked the iUI framework
to use CSS transforms for the slide animation and it seems to be causing the

Brandon Aaron

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