Does it work, to write all checked id's into a hidden field? Which
then gets submitted?

On 30 Jan., 16:27, heohni <>
> Hi,
> I am using this:
> <input type="checkbox" name="paradigm" value="{$value.ver_id}" />
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $("#paradigm_all").click(function(){
>                 var 
> checked_status=this.checked;$("inp...@name=paradigm]").each
> (function(){
>                         this.checked=checked_status;
>                 });
>         });
> });
> to check and uncheck a list of articles.
> Now I want to sumbit the checked articles, but I don't know how to do
> that.
> I can't use <input type="checkbox" name="paradigm[]"
> value="{$value.ver_id}" />
> as then the jquery doesn#t work anymore.
> But how can I transfer all checked Id's to the next page?
> Any help?
> Thanks a bunch!

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