Could you provide more information, like code and browser specs?

On Jan 30, 2:21 pm, WizADSL <> wrote:
> I wanted to post this here first and see if anyone has seen this.
> This is easy to reproduce.
> The Prep:
> Create a form with a few fields, on form field 2 add
> remote="somepasge.htm" and make it required, create somepage.htm and
> put true as the only content of the page and of course set the for to
> validate.  This is a basic form that would use the remote feature to
> check with the server, and the field will always be valid as long is
> is not empty.
> The problem:
> In your validate function call, add a messages entry for field 2 and
> (this can be require, remote, etc) then submit the form, so far so
> good.  Now, if you hit "back" in the browser and hit submit again, the
> form will not submit (but the remote check will fire), if you hit
> submit a second time, it will go.  If you remove the messages entry
> for the field from the validate function call and try everything again
> it works fine every time (no second submit needed).
> It seems that having a messages entry for a field when using remote
> will cause incorrect behavior if the form is re-submitted.

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