
Thanks for the response, and I agree that tooltips by themselves work
fine with your plugin.

I have the latest version in use, but for some reason it still does
not work. (The proper div with id="tooltip" gets inserted, but nothing
happens on hover)

(Quick note: I had to modify the slideViewer plugin, line 54 from
"Tooltip" to "tooltip" for the div to get inserted properly)

Maybe something else is case-sensitive somewhere in there?

Or perhaps it's the way I'm calling it? Here's what I'm using:

$(window).bind("load", function() {
        easeFunc: "easeOutBounce",
        easeTime: 500,
        toolTip: true

Does the load order matter? Mine is:
1. jQuery 1.3.1
2. easing plugin
3. Tooltip 1.3
4. slideViewer 1.1


On Jan 31, 12:10 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com>
> Could you give the latest revision a try? It seems to work fine with
> core 1.3:http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/tooltip/
> Jörn
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Matt <matthew.c.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a little demo up to check out.
> >http://jquery.oniegirl.com/svw/
> > (the pictures are not mine, just re-using one of the demos from the
> > slideviewer site)
> > 2 versions:
> > ----------------
> > the first works (using jQuery 1.2.6, easing 1.3, OLD tooltip plugin,
> > slideviewer 1.1)
> > the second does not (using jQuery 1.3.1, easing 1.3, tooltip 1.3,
> > slideviewer 1.1)
> > Can someone help me debug the problem? Thanks a bunch

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