I was curious if someone could help me manipulate some code. Im still pretty new to jQuery and this is over my head.
$(function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "http://www.msn.com/rss/alsoonmsn.aspx", dataType: "xml", success: function(rss) { strRSS = "<h4>" + $("/rss/channel/title",rss).text() + "</ h4>"; $("/rss/channel/item/title:lt(5)",rss).each(function(i) { strRSS += "<li><a href='"; strRSS += $("/rss/channel/item/link:eq(" + i + ")",rss).text(); strRSS += "'>"; strRSS += $(this).text(); strRSS += "</a><br />"; strRSS += ($("/rss/channel/item/description:eq(" + i + ")",rss).text()).substring(0,200) + "...</li>"; }); $("#feed_me").html(strRSS); } }); }); Pretty much what im trying to do is have it to where the <li> has something like this: <li onclick="location.href='storyurlhere';"> Thanks a million.