So below i have my code example.

Basically when a user loads this page depending on the type of
"campaign" this is, I want jQuery to show the proper Sub Form Piece. I
can get the alert() outside the if else to fire, but nothing inside
the if else fires, which leads me to believe that I might have the
args set incorrectly

any help would be great


<div class="detail_campaign_type">Coupon</div>                 <--
This is the reference text that is dynamic

<div id="campaign_create_coupon">**Html Form Piece**</div>

<div id="campaign_create_contest ">**Html Form Piece**</div>

$(document).ready(function() {
  var $coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
  var $contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');
  var $current_campaign = $('div.detail_campaign_type');

  $current_campaign.ready(function() {
());                              <-- This fires

    if ($('div.detail_campaign_type').text() == 'Coupon') {
<-- Inside the If Else does not register
    else if ($('div.detail_campaign_type').text() == 'Contest') {
<-- Neither does this

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