are you putting that code inside $(document).ready?

if ( \$('.btn px') ) is checking if the clicked element
is a <px/> element inside .btn, that condition will never be
satisfied, will it?

On Feb 1, 12:38 pm, "" <>
> It's being ran from perl, so when perl is parsing the print statement,
> it thinks $~whatever is a perl variable. Which is strange, because
> normally use strict; will bark at you, but instead perl finds a way to
> find out what $~whatever is. Its kinda strange, so I have to escape
> them server side, but client side they come out as normal $
> On Jan 31, 10:54 pm, brian <> wrote:
> > On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 11:19 PM,
> > <> wrote:
> > > \$(this).css({ backgroundColor:color }); never seem to fire, as far as
> > > I know though, its valid jquery javascript...
> > > As for the statement above "("input#color_code").val() " is whatever
> > > the user selects from the color picker.
> > > If anyone is questioning my \$ in my javascript, i have to do it this
> > > way, because I'm running this with a Perl script, and perl uses $ to
> > > define and use variables.
> > Using the backslash within a Perl script which writes your javascript,
> > I can well understand. But the output--what the JS interpreter
> > sees--should be a bare $, not \$.
> > In any case, why not just use jQuery.noConflict()?

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