> Thanks Brian for the help. I completely forgot that I even posted this
> and I was searching again for an answer...I saw this post and was like
> "holy crap, that is the same exact problem I am having...wait a
> minute...". hahaha. Thanks again.
> On Dec 9 2008, 11:28 pm, "Brian J. Cohen" <brian.j.co...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Okay, I found a post that the plugin author responded to, that details
> > the 
> > problem:http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/e52fe0b...
> > Apparently he used certain reserved words that you must avoid in your
> > form element names, like "action" and "method". I had a hidden element
> > named "action" that I had to rename, and it started working in IE7.

FYI, this used to work correctly so I've filed a ticket on it.  Still,
it's good practice to avoid names that have special meaning.



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