Checked all that. And I tried with an ID. Nothing, no joy.

This is with FF, btw. I'll check it in 3.x

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:08 PM, James <> wrote:
> Are your UI image and language (i18n) files somewhere in there also?
> I'm not sure if they're required, but put them in.
> Do you have more than one elements with the DatePicker class?
> Maybe try using $("#foo").datepicker(); to see if it works.
> On Feb 2, 8:23 am, brian <> wrote:
>> I'm struggling to figure out why DatePicker is not working for me. I'm
>> including the following files (and they're all loading fine). Is there
>> yet another file required?
>> ui.core.css
>> ui.theme.css
>> ui.datepicker.css
>> jquery-1.3.1.min.js
>> jquery-ui-1.6rc5.min.js
>> jquery-ui-datepicker-1.6rc5.min.js
>> The form input looks like so:
>> <input type="text" name="foobar" id="foo" class="DatePicker" />
>> The following has no effect at all (including errors):
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>         $(".DatePicker").datepicker();
>> });
>> If I change the above to this, the alert properly shows "foo".
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>         $(".DatePicker").each(function(){alert(;});
>> });
>> Can someone suggest some way to go about debugging this?

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