First of all, it's JavaScript, not Java. Second, you always need
serverside validation - anything on the clientside can be disabled. An
attacker wouldn't even have to use a browser to submit the form.

In other words: Implement both. Serverside for security and data
integrity, clientside for a better user experience.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 9:47 AM,
<> wrote:
> Since I started messing around with jquery, I'm astonished on how
> simple a java web form validation is.. the problem is when a person
> has a non java brower or disable it, then basically the java
> validation is useless!
> Now, since I use php I also have the standard server side validation
> but I was wondering if there are any shortcut that I'm not aware of,
> what is the best practice to handle a non java browser (like disabling
> the form on a non enabled broser?).
> Please enlighten me!
> Thanks
> David

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